Hi, I am Ryan Uselmann.

A Software Engineer, focused on fullstack web development.

I am a software engineer in Sacramento, California. I work with individuals and businesses to grow their online presence through responsive websites. I am a detail-oriented and creative developer who works with both front and backend technologies, and I look forward to bringing your project to life. Let's make your site according to industry standards, easily searchable via Google and accessible for all prospective clients or customers. While I code by day, I can be found gaming with my oldest son, reading comics and books by my favorite authors or hunting for a scary new horror movie.


Storybook Blog Site

An example of using MVC with express, mongoDB, and google OAuth. Lets the user log in with google authentication and create, update, and delete posts. It also lets the user set the post to private or public and view others' posts.

  • Express
  • mongoDB
  • Google Oauth

Science Quote Generator

A quote generator that randomly selects a quote from scientists that I find inspirational and a random background from nasa space images of earth.

  • SASS
  • TypeScript
  • React

Project 3

Ipsum accusamus ea excepturi aliquid eligendi amet. Explicabo sapiente debitis labore sed ipsam Mollitia repellat illum quod unde beatae Quis

  • SASS
  • TypeScript
  • React



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